Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dinos de los Muertos

A couple of weeks ago, I bought some paper mache dinosaurs at a local artist supply shop and started painting them. I am calling the series "Dinos de los Muertos". These are the first dinos I have done, and I am pretty satisfied with the effect. I want to make enough of these to be able to sell them at the next Punk Rock Flea Market in December. 

Now Showing at Makeda Coffee!

I just installed my paintings at Makeda Coffee in Greenwood the other day. What a warm, inviting space! I love the layout, and the overall vibe is just wonderful. I hope you all can come in and check it out, it will be up for the next month.

Also, I will be at the coffee shop for the next Greenwood Art Walk on Friday, June 14th. There will be beer and wine available, and tons of art! Come stop by, say hello, and check out the great local art and shops in the area!