Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fremont Solstice Parade

On June 22, 2013 several friends gathered to paint ourselves and ride bikes through Fremont, as is tradition for the start of the Fremont Solstice Parade. My friend Alex Garland was there and took tons of great photos, though we missed each other in the swarms of people. 

While there was an "official" painting party in Fremont before the start of the race, we hosted a smaller event at my house where my friends and I could paint each other in a smaller, quieter setting while we soothed our anxious our nerves. 

The paintings turned out great! There are some incredibly creative people here in Seattle. In our group alone, we had several themes: me, as my art; a shark; Rosie the Riveter; and a peacock:

I went as my own art. I covered myself in blue paint, and then I asked my friends to paint me as their interpretations of my art. This is the result: 

One of my friends asked me to paint him as the earth and sky with a big sun across the shoulder:

Inspired by my Jellyfish painting, one of my friends added a great jellyfish to my leg: 

One of the highlights of the day for me was meeting the artist Henry. I love this man's work, and it was really inspiring to meet him.

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